Contact Us
We are here to Help.
Evansdale Community League
TEL. (780) 457-0948
Hall Address: 9111 150 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5E 6J2
Mailing Address: Box 71023 Northwood Mall Post Office Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5E 6J8
Evansdale Community League Board
*If you are interested in a VACANT position listed above please reach out to the President*
Community Contacts
Get Involved.
Share Your Passion.
Build a Strong Community.
Volunteers make our community an awesome place!
Help make your neighborhood the best place to live in Edmonton?
Volunteers have done amazing things in our three neighborhoods of Eaux Claires, Belle Rive and Evansdale.
They’ve built 4 playgrounds, run programs, lobbied for safer traffic controls, hosted some amazing events (community league day parties, Christmas socials, halloween parties, and many, many programs.
People always say “What can I do, I’m just one person.“
Community Leagues are great places to get stuff done! You are part of a keen group of people who love their community and there is nothing we can’t tackle if we put our minds to it.
Make friends, develop your leadership skills, start that program you always wished for – whatever your passion is for making our community great, you can get stuff done by getting involved.
You have questions or are you ready to get started?
Contact Shawna Walsh at (780) 473-2169 or email her at
Evansdale Board meetings are the second Tuesday of every month (except July and August) so feel free to join us at our meetings and find out what’s going on!

Area 17 Community Leagues.
Area 17 Council is a sub grouping of community leagues that work together in northeast Edmonton on a variety of regional issues.
It includes Community Leagues located North of 137 Ave. between 97 St. and the Manning Freeway, within the boundaries of the Area Council.
North Edmonton Seniors Association also operates the Northgate Lions Seniors Recreation Center in our area.
Visit the web site at

Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues .
Evansdale is a member of the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) , a coordinating group for the 161 community leagues in Edmonton, Alberta.
The EFCL is made up of representatives from 12 districts in Edmonton. Evansdale is part of District B which also includes Lago Lindo, Kilkenny, McLeod, Evansdale, Northmount, Londonderry, Steele Heights, Balwin, Killarney, Delwood, Glengarry, Rosslyn, Belvedere community leagues.
To find out current District B representative check out the EFCL website on the link below.