What is PickleBall
kinda like tennis?
2024 Evansdale Pickleball League
Closed for the Season
Off-Season Hours of Operation:
Weather permitting our courts are available between 1-5pm by booking only. Please call Jeff at (780) 490-8892
Program Fees:
The Evansdale Pickleball League membership fee are:
Per person for the 2024 season $100
Per person for the 2024 season $75
If you have an active city of Edmonton community league membership
Per Person for the 2024 Season $25
With an Evansdale Membership
Drop in rate/day $10
Children/Teens(under 18) will be included with a parent/guardian Playing on the courts
We will be offering free lessons this season for beginners and novices only
Beginner – a beginner is someone who has never played pickle ball before , they are a clean slate, waiting to be taught the very basics of the game.
Novices – a novice is someone who might have come to open play once or twice, but is not comfortable playing with others yet. Perhaps they can hit the ball, but they don’t know anything about court position, and they don’t understand scoring yet.
These are the types of players we want to see at our training nights; if you have played pickleball in an organized game and have an understanding of court position and scoring, this may not be for you. The philosophy of lessons is that you have to start beginners at the beginning, and teach the very basic first the sessions will begin with a few words about safety, like proper footwear, balls, entering the court, running backwards, etc. and point out the court lines such as sideline, baseline, center line, NVZ line. The importance of warming up, however, we don’t teach warm-up drills at this session. Anyone interested in learning? Ted Fulton Will be the instructor and set up the Lessons Program
We look forward to seeing all new and returning members/players very soon!